Can You Make a Vinyl Pool Look Like Gunite?

People often choose vinyl pools over gunite pools because they are much more affordable. However, some people may not be happy with how a vinyl pool looks and may want to make it look like a gunite pool. 

You can make a vinyl pool look like a gunite pool by installing features such as pavers, a waterfall, coping, and lighting. These changes will help you make your pool look more like a gunite one, but they will also make it more aesthetically pleasing overall. 

In this article, I will discuss how you can make your vinyl pool look like a gunite pool and explore why you should consider improving the look of your vinyl pool.

Pool Construction Worker Working With A Smoother Rod On Wet Concrete

How To Make a Vinyl Pool Look Like a Gunite Pool

If you want your vinyl pool to look like a gunite pool, you can do a few things. Here are my top adjustments that will leave your vinyl pool looking like gunite:

Add a Pool Coping to Your Vinyl Pool

One of the ways you can make your vinyl pool look like a gunite one is by adding a pool coping. 

Pool coping is a border that goes around the pool’s edge. It comes in many different materials, such as stone, concrete, or brick. A pool coping will give your vinyl pool a more high-end stone look.

Install Stone or Brick Pavers Around the Pool’s Perimeter

Another way to make your vinyl pool look like a gunite pool is by installing stone or brick pavers around the pool’s perimeter. 

This tip sounds like a no-brainer, but it plays a critical role in improving the look of your vinyl pool. Adding stone or brick pavers around your pool will give the appearance of a gunite pool because it will have a natural stone border.

Add Some Landscaping Around the Pool

Another way to make your vinyl pool look like a gunite pool is by adding some landscaping. 

One of the best ways to add a pop of elegance to a vinyl pool is by planting some shrubs or flowers around the pool’s perimeter. 

Flowers such as Angel’s Trumpet and Hawaiian Hibiscus (Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis), among others, will come in handy in making your vinyl pool resemble a gunite pool. Landscaping gives the area an added touch of classiness and makes it stand out from other pools in the neighborhood.

Install a Waterfall

You can also install a waterfall to make your vinyl pool look like a gunite pool. Waterfalls can come in many materials, such as stone, concrete, or fiberglass. Choosing a stone one is best since it will distract people’s eyes away from the vinyl and to the natural stone above the water. 

Still, investing in a waterfall does more than just make your pool look more like its natural stone. Among other benefits, it promotes relaxation, helps keep the pool cooler, and improves circulation, which makes the pool cleaner and safer. 

To sum it up, a waterfall will give the pool a luxurious look and feel. 

Add Lighting to Your Pool

Adding lighting to your vinyl pool is another great way to make it look like a gunite pool. You can add underwater lights, solar lights, or even LED lights. These lights will reflect off of the pool, which will prevent anyone from noticing that it’s vinyl. 

Lighting will not only make your pool look more luxurious, but it will also make it safer to swim in at night.

The video below gives more information about adding lighting to your vinyl pool and how you can do it on your own:

How Much Does It Cost To Make Your Vinyl Pool Look Like Gunite?

The cost of making your vinyl pool look like gunite will depend on the size of your pool and the type of changes you want to make. 

For example, adding a pool coping can start at $500, while installing stone pavers can begin at $1,000. 

If you want to make a statement, you can install a waterfall for around $2000. The good news is that these changes will make your pool safer and look better and increase your home’s value, so they are definitely worth the investment.

The Benefits of Improving the Look of Your Vinyl Pool

Making your vinyl pool look like a gunite pool has many benefits. Let’s look at some of them;

It Increases the Value of Your Home 

As I mentioned before, making your vinyl pool look like a gunite pool will increase the value of your home. That is because all of the features I mentioned above will make your home more attractive to potential buyers who might have wanted to make the same improvements. 

It Will Make Your Pool Safer

One of the main benefits of making your vinyl pool look like a gunite pool is that it will make your pool safer. 

For example, if you add lighting to your pool, it’s easier to see at night. Also, if you add a waterfall, it will act as a barrier between the deep end and the shallow end of the pool. 

So, while it’s stunning, adding things like waterfalls will also prevent people from accidentally swimming into the deep end and getting hurt.

An Improved Appearance Makes Your Pool Stand Out

Making your vinyl pool look like a gunite pool will make it stand out. Most people don’t take the time or effort to improve the look of their pool. So, if you want yours to be the envy of the community, make some changes to it.

It’s Not Very Expensive

Many people think making their vinyl pool look like a gunite pool is expensive. However, this is not the case. 

As I mentioned before, there are many ways to improve the look of your pool without breaking the bank. So, if you are considering changing your pool, don’t let the cost deter you.

The Main Differences Between Vinyl Pools and Gunite Pools

There are a few key distinctions between vinyl pools and gunite pools. 

Gunite pools are generally of higher quality than vinyl pools. They consist of a super sturdy concrete material that stands the test of time. On the other hand, vinyl can peel, become brittle, and crack, requiring more frequent repairs. 

However, despite their durability, there are some downsides to getting one. Gunite pools come at a higher price point than vinyl ones.

Part of why gunite pools are pricey is because of the long, challenging installation process they require. Gunite pools require much more work and time than vinyl pools regarding installation.

If you’re thinking of using saltwater instead of chlorine water, you’re probably wondering whether vinyl liners will work in this situation. I’ve written a complete article to discuss saltwater and vinyl liners.

Pool Construction Worker Working With A Smoothing Trowel On Wet Concrete


If you are looking for a luxurious pool without a high price tag, making your vinyl pool look like a gunite pool is the best way to go. 

These simple tricks and adjustments will leave your pool looking like it belongs in a resort. 
