Pool parties are exciting, but not everyone wants to swim. These social gatherings are based around swimming, so you might wonder if it’s okay to attend them without diving into the pool. After all, you wouldn’t want to be the only person sitting outside of the pool if everyone else is having a good time in the water.
It’s not weird to go to a pool party and not swim because most pool parties have lounge chairs for tanning, snacks to eat, drinks to sip while relaxing, and more. If you want to go to a pool party without swimming, consider wearing summer clothes that clearly show you’re not getting in the water.
In this article, we’ll explain what you should do if you can’t swim and you want to go to a pool party, whether or not it’s socially acceptable, and how long you should stay at a pool party if you don’t want to swim.

Can You Go to a Pool Party and Not Swim?
You don’t have to swim if you go to a pool party. Most people invite others to a pool party for the social aspect. They’re unlikely to get mad if you don’t partake in the swimming activities, though it’s a good idea to state your intentions before arriving. Pool parties are almost always thrown for fun socializing.
Here’s a handful of suggestions if you want to go to a pool party without swimming:
- Wear the right clothes. For example, Chic Pursuit breaks down multiple outfit suggestions, including dresses, skirts, shoes, and other clothes you wouldn’t wear swimming. You could also opt for pants with a T-shirt or shorts with a tank top. These clothes show you’re there to have fun but not in the pool.
- Let everyone know that you don’t want to swim beforehand. You could explain that you’re too tired, you want to hang out but don’t want to get your hair wet, etc. Whatever your reason, the people who invited you are bound to be accepting. After all, they invited you to have a fun day outside.
- Bring something for everyone (food, drinks, etc.). This is a classic pool party move because it shows you want everyone to have a good time. They won’t focus on you not swimming because they’ll feel grateful for the snacks. You can also keep yourself around the drinks as a bartender if you want to stay occupied.
- Be social and involved in the activities. Partake in the games that don’t take place in the water. Many pool parties have barbecues, cornhole, and a host of other fun activities. As long as you’re in the mix of what’s going on, you’ll be good to stay. The last thing you want to do is sit in a corner away from the group.
- Consider laying on a towel or a tanning chair. This shows you’re having a good time and appreciate the relaxing moments you get to spend with your friends and family. Tanning is always a good time, especially when you can dip your toes in the water to cool off every now and then.
Pool parties only work during the summer in most places. It’s not worth avoiding them, even if you don’t want to swim. You can soak up the sun, socialize with your friends and family, and enjoy a nice day outside. If you don’t know how to swim and you recently got invited to a pool party, read on.
What Should You Do at a Pool Party if You Can’t Swim?
If you’re at a pool party and you can’t swim, you can make it known or intentionally use this time to tan and socialize. Walk around and talk to multiple people to make it seem as if you’re too busy to get into the pool. Another option is to dip your feet in the water and let everyone know you’re too tired to swim but you want to be with them.
In the Swim explains almost all pool parties have several activities to focus on rather than swimming. A pool party doesn’t necessarily have to mean everyone needs to be in the water. Most people don’t want everyone at the party in the pool at the same time because it gets too crowded. As long as you stay social, people are unlikely to notice.
If you want to get in the water to not feel weird, you could stay in the shallow end. Keep your feet in the water as mentioned above or sit on the steps up to your waist. People likely won’t notice or care because you’re involved with the main event of the afternoon. Most pool parties don’t revolve around intense swimming exercises.
How Long Should You Stay at a Pool Party?
You should stay at a pool party for at least a couple of hours, but the party may last a few hours. Leaving too early might make it seem like you didn’t want to be there in the first place. You don’t have to swim to spend around two hours at a pool party. If you have other obligations or time constraints, you could mention them beforehand and ask if it’s okay if you leave early.
Plunge San Diego recommends people stay at a pool party for two to three hours. Anything more is unnecessary because you spent enough time with everyone, but anything less than two hours might look like you want to get away from everyone. Again, if you have something else to do, you could show up for a bit to let them know you want to be with them before going elsewhere.

Wrapping It Up
You don’t have to swim at a pool party, but it doesn’t hurt to explain your decision before showing up. This will let people know you want to hang out with them without avoiding the gathering. Pool parties can be paired with fun games, barbecues, and many other activities that don’t require swimming.